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Current Version

1.14.001 -- February 7, 2015

This release supports all OPOS APIs from Release 1.01 through Release 1.14.1.

The 1.14.001 CCOs can be used with applications built against previous CCO releases, beginning with the 1.6 CCOs.  No rebuild is needed.

This release contains the following changes from 1.14.000:

  • Add OPOS Release 1.14.1 API support: Additions to Electronic Value Reader Writer (EVWR). See details below.
  • Correct memory leak due to mishandling of variants returned from SO. This was most common when getting string properties. Problem is present in earlier releases of 1.12, 1.13, and 1.14.
  • Correct potential buffer overrun in Open.
  • Correct EVRW TransitionEvent dispatch ID (from 2 to 6).
  • Update license information.

Also, the CCOs, OPOS for .NET assemblies, and Windows Installer (.MSI) files are digitally signed.

Electronic Value Reader Writer for UnifiedPOS 1.14.1.

The UnifiedPOS 1.14.1 specifcation added some methods and properties to the EVWR device. This was contrary to the general architecture of UnifiedPOS, where each such addition requires a new minor release number (i.e. 1.15). This change complicated backward compatibility of the CCOs, since the OPOS Control Object verifies that a Service Object that reports its ServiceObjectVersion as 1.X.Y implements all the device methods in UnifiedPOS specification 1.X. Since we now have two different 1.14 -- the original 1.14 and the newer 1.14.1 -- this verification cannot be done simply.

To overcome this issue, the 1.14.001 CCO release took the following approch:

  • The EVWR CCO version is 1.14.100 (while all the other devices are 1.14.001), where the leap shows a substantive change from the 1.14.00x CCO.
  • An additional CCO Interface UUID has been added that includes the new methods and properties in this release.
  • An EVWR Service Object that supports UnifiedPOS 1.14.1 must set its ServiceObjectVersion to a value between 1.14.100 and 1.14.999. If ServiceObjectVersion is between 1.14.000 and 1.14.099, then the EVWR CCO 1.14.100 assumes that the Service Object supports UnifiedPOS 1.14 but not 1.14.1.

See OPOS CCOs History for further details.


Downloadable Files


  • Releases 1.14.001 and 1.13.003 corrected a memory leak issue and a potential buffer overrun issue.  Therefore, we recommend that users upgrade to one of these releases.
    • Since CCOs are backward compatible with earlier releases, the upgrade should be as simple as installing / registering the newer release.  Applications should run without requiring any modifications or rebuilds.
    • The only known failure case is if a vendor's Service Object (SO) has a bug where it reports that it supports a higher UnifiedPOS version than it actually implemented.
      Example:  Suppose that an app is using CCOs 1.9 with an SO whose ServiceObjectVersion returns 1011005 but has only implemented OPOS APIs up through UnifiedPOS 1.10. (The value 1011005 means that the SO promises to support UnifiedPOS 1.11.)
      During Open, the CCO verifies that the SO supports all methods for the smaller of the CCO and SO release.
      With CCOs 1.9, the CCO verifies that the SO supports all APIs through min(1.9, 1.11) = 1.9, and allows use of the Service Object.
      With CCOs 1.14.1, the CCO verifies that the SO supports all APIs through min(1.14, 1.11) = 1.11, and will fail the Open because the SO did not implement the new methods in 1.11.
  • Because of these issues, older releases have been removed from the page.

Current Release


1.14.001 CCO Installer (Windows Installer MSI) 2015/02/07 4,885,504
1.14.001 CCO Runtime (ZIP File) 2015/02/07 2,783,766
1.14.001 CCO Debug Runtime (ZIP File) [see warning below] 2015/02/07 7,859,857
1.14.001 CCO Source Code and Data Files (ZIP File) 2015/02/07 1,718,770

Prior Releases


1.13.003 CCO Installer (Windows Installer MSI) 2015/02/07 4,767,232
1.13.003 CCO Runtime (ZIP File) 2015/02/07 2,775,335
1.13.003 CCO Debug Runtime (ZIP File) [see warning below] 2015/02/07 7,849,522
1.13.003 CCO Source Code and Data Files (ZIP File) 2015/02/07 1,663,742

The file contents are:

  • Common Control Object Installer - MSI.
    By default, installs all of these components. One may choose to install a subset of them:
    • The OPOS Control Objects.  [For runtime and/or development use.]
    • The OPOS for .NET Assemblies. [For runtime use only -- placed in the GAC.]
    • For development use only:
      • OPOS header files.
      • OPOS for .NET Assemblies. [Placed in Program Files, for adding development-time references.]
  • Common Control Object Runtime - ZIP.
    • Contains the OPOS Control Objects and the OPOS header files.
    • Includes batch files for registering and unregistering the CCOs. These must be run in administrative mode.
  • Common Control Object Debug Runtime - ZIP.
    • Contains the debug versions of the CCOs, the OPOS header files, plus tracing support files.
      For details on tracing, see the Tracing page.
    • Includes batch files for registering and unregistering the CCOs. These must be run in administrative mode.
    • Warning!  The debug CCOs trace all data sent between the application and Service Object.  Therefore, they must not be used in live customer environments where sensitive information may be exposed.  For example:
      • The MSR debug CCO traces full card information including account numbers, names, and CVV.
      • The PINPad debug CCO traces the card account number, encrypted PIN, and key serial number.
      • The MICR debug CCO traces the bank transit number, checking account number, and check (serial) number.
  • Common Control Object Source Code and Data Files - ZIP.
    • Contains the CCO source code.  Includes a master project, projects for each control object, plus common and bitmap files.
    • Also contains data files that are used by a custom generator to produce much of the source code.
Last updated: 2015-02-24


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